April 12th – General Meeting: Rock Bingo Night
We will need everyone to bring 3 items: polished rocks, slabs, crystals, clay baby, fossils, cabs, carving, jewelry, or a rock or fossil related item to contribute to our prize pool. Please wrap your donation in anything from gift wrap paper, newspaper, to a brown paper bag.
This will be a great night for the kids! Be sure to bring your kids and their friends, grand kids, scout troops, or anybody else that you think might enjoy playing Bingo. Everyone will go home a winner.
There will be a charge of $1 per player to cover the cost of supplies. Each person can play 1 to 3 cards.
We had so much fun last year at this event. Let’s all do it again.
Looking forward to seeing everyone Thursday night!
Show ‘n Tell, Raffle and Door Prize: We will forego these for just this meeting.