CMS Meeting April 14th
Program Presentation:
We will have a speaker this month. Jim Cerenzie, fellow CMS Member, is going to give us a talk on what tools you need for rockhounding.
We will also be showing off our new website and Facebook page. Our own Club Member, Mark Hohn, is right now hard-at-work building us a new website and revamping the Facebook page.
Show ‘n Tell:
In honor of April Fool’s Day bring a rock or mineral that is often sold as something else.
For an example: Pyrite (Fool’s Gold), Amazonite (often sold as New Jade), Magnasite (often sold as Turquoise), Dragon Vein (Chinese composite), Sea Sediment (Chinese composite), Howlite (often dyed and sold as Turquoise), etc.
The next Board Meeting will be 7:00 pm, Monday, April 11 at
Panera Bread
521 2nd Pl N
(between Crow St & Willis St)
Kent, Washington