Bonney Lake Library

October Bonney Lake Library Talk (part 1) by Dick Morgan

On October 11, 2013, Pat, Keith and I setup two tables of specimens. Keith had to help as my back did not allow me to move
my rolling toolbox of specimens, so he did it for me. Spent over two hours answering questions about these items and general
questions about rock related items. A fun time was had by all.
Thanks to the Friends of the Bonney Lake Library for inviting us to explain about our hobby.

October Bonney Lake Library Talk (part 2) by Keith Alan Morgan

Since my dad was having some back problems, he asked me to help him out moving his specimen cart and whatnot.
It was a bit different than I expected. I was expecting people to come at 2 and stay till 4, but this was more everything was
set-up and people would wander in and out. The fact that this was a Friday instead of a weekend was probably the reason for the
difference in audience attendance as we got people who were coming to the library and saw there was a display rather than specifically
coming to hear a talk. So there were times where we had people in and dad was telling them about rocks and we would have periods
where no one was there and we were just chatting with the library staff. Still, despite the apparent small crowds, around 70 people had
come in, looked at the material and asked questions.  Even though my dad did most of the talking, there were a few points where he was busy with a group at the main table and I answered questions about the rocks (mostly fossils) setup on the second table.
Even though it was supposed to end at 4 we had some people show up after that, which given the generally informal nature of the talk, was fine.
The library had setup a table of rock and mineral books they had, which interested several people and I think a few even got checked out.




Bonney Lake Library Primer On Rocks by Dick Morgan
On November 3, 2012, Pat and I gave our presentation of fossils, minerals and rocks called “A Primer On Rocks”, at the Bonney Lake Library.

The group that showed up was larger than the room allowed for, somewhere around 75 people, so a number of people were standing in the hallway. The person in charge, Seung Kang, said it was the largest group for their Saturday afternoon presentations.

Two of the audience were from the class Pat and I volunteer in to help with math and they told the class how much they enjoyed it. (The teacher of the class allows a couple of minutes before each class to show a few rocks, minerals, or fossils and explain the how and why of each of them.)

The presentation went well. It was scheduled for one hour, but ending up running three hours and not because I dragged things out. The audience asked many questions about the material shown, even when I was packing up to leave they were still asking me questions.

The library had displayed a number of their rock books around the display area and many children checked them out to read at home. Pat says, the librarian told her it was the best presentation. The library was interested in scheduling a repeat presentation sometime in the new year.

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Updated: April 23, 2016 — 10:25 pm

Presidents Message

  • From the Top of the Rock Pile 2024 is in our rearview mirror. It was a very successful year for our club. We moved our Cascade Gem Show to June at Kent Commons. It has been an excellent decision for our club. We had the largest attendance since resuming our shows in 2018, with approximately 3,200 visitors! The proceeds from our two club auctions in 2024 brought in around $1,800. These funds help to cover our club’s largest expense, the liability insurance policy. I expect the premium for 2025 will be near $3,000. Our booth at the Puyallup Gem Faire

Meeting Announcements

  • February 13th – Jim Cerenzie – Finding New (Old) Rockhounding Sites Our club member, Jim Cerenzie, is going to speak on how he finds long forgotten sites to hunt for rocks and crystals. He has a YouTube channel called the “Vug Meister” where he and his son go rockhounding to these places. If you watch YouTube please support him by subscribing to his channel. Show ‘n Tell: Your favorite rockhounding find. It can be a find from a field trip, your yard, the beach, or a riverbed.

  • March 13th – Field Trip Preview by Roger Danneman Where will we go this year? Join our wagonmaster Roger Danneman as he gives us a preview of all of the places the Club will explore this year on field trips – and what kinds of materials you might find there. Show ‘n Tell: Something you’ve found on a prior field trip (with a club or on your own!).

  • April 10th – Rock BINGO Kent schools on spring break. So all you members, junior members and their friends, your grandkids, guests it is time for our Rock Bingo night.  Everyone is guaranteed to be a winner. Rock Bingo is free tonight – bring 3 wrapped presents (see below). Maximum 3 game cards per player. Each player is to bring 3 wrapped presents. Rocks, minerals, fossils, cabachons, slabs, jewelry, or anything that you think would be a nice gift.  Guests do not need to bring any wrapped items.

  • May 8th – Glaciers by Paul Ahnberg What are the benefits of glaciers? Glaciers, slow-moving rivers of ice, have sculpted mountains and carved valleys throughout Earth’s history. They continue to flow and shape the landscape in many places today. But glaciers affect much more than the landscape. Show ‘n Tell: A white or clear mineral or crystal.

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