By-Laws Amendment: The Board has voted to add a new position to the Board: Show Chairman.
The Members will vote on this change at our November General meeting.
The changes are noted in bold print. The amendment is revised as follows:
Article IV.
Officers and Directors
Section 1. The officers of the Cascade Mineralogical Society, Inc. shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall be elected
from the Clubs roster of members in good standing.
Section 2. In the case of a need to replace the president the Vice-President will move
into that position.
Section 3. There shall be a minimum of eight members on the Board of Directors
consisting of the four elected officers, the immediate Past President, two
Directors at Large, the Show Chairperson, delegates and/or representatives of affiliated organizations that require a monetary obligation, the appointed editor
of the Club newsletter, and the appointed web site coordinator.
Section 4. Directors at Large shall be elected from the Club’s roster of members in
good standing.