Thanks for supporting the Cascade Gem and Mineral Show!
We still have sponsor opportunities available. Some of our needs are listed below
Kids area
We will have a rock painting area, bead making area, and a coloring area. We need to purchase supplies and materials for our kid’s craft area.
Sponsor our kid’s Activity area $200.00
We need to have some signs made for the show. We need directional signs inside the venue and at our club booth, silent auction area, raffle prize area.
Sponsor our signage $500.00
We want to have a nice floor map with all our vendors and sponsors listed to give to our guests.
We also have raffle tickets and other items we need to be printed
Sponsor our Printing costs $800.00
Raffle Prizes
We will be holding an hourly door prize raffle and a separate raffle as a fundraiser four our club. We are also planning a donation to Green River College to a deserving geology student. We want to help support our community. Gift certificates to your business make great prizes
If you can help sponsor all or part of our needs we would appreciate it. We will acknowledge all our sponsors and publish your Name or Company on our floor map brochure and include your contact information in our video presentation during the show. Becoming a sponsor is a great way to support your lock Cascade Mineralogical Society. We are committed to helping our community and foster the growth of our next generation or rock hounds (and Customers).
We anticipate up to 3000 visitors to our show. This would be a great opportunity for you or your company to support our organization and get your name in front of our guests!
Select the
Mark Hohn
Show Chairman