On May 17th, 2025, we have scheduled a trip on private property near Rufus, Oregon for Biggs Jasper/Agate. This trip will be led by the owner of Sherman County Rocks rock shop and we need to pay by the pound for what we collect/keep. $5/pound for Beers Mtn jasper. $2/pound for China Hollow jasper/agate piled at his shop and $5/pound for Grainite jasper. There are 7 different kinds of jasper/agate on his property. We leave at 9:30 AM from his rock shop, so you’ll either need to be on the road very early that morning, or drive down on Friday and get a hotel room or camp site. More details will be sent out to my Field Trips distribution list as we get closer, but if you’re interested, let me know, and make your own arrangements. Last year some of us went to Polka-Dot mine and Richardson’s Rock Ranch, both of which are an hour+ drive further south.
Roger Danneman CMS (roger.danneman@gmail.com 425-228-8781 or cell 425-757-3506