The 2021 holidays are coming upon us very fast!
I am so happy to say that this year we are having our annual potluck dinner, the election of officers, and club auction.
Mark Your Calendars Now! Sunday, December 12th, the setup is at 11 am, and dinner is at noon. Our dinner will be held at our regular meeting place, American Legion Hall, Kent.
The club supplies roasted turkey and baked ham. You bring a side dish of your choice. If you don’t cook, you can always bring a store-bought dessert, drinks, dinner rolls and butter, cranberry sauce, or something from the grocery deli counter.
Just be sure to bring your own silverware and plate.
If, for some reason, you can’t bring anything, please plan on joining us anyway. We would rather see you than not see you. It’s always enjoyable to sit and talk with each other and enjoy the season together.
It is the club’s opportunity to say thank you for being a member this year.
Kat Koch, President