General Meeting – Thursday, April 13th
This meeting has been planned for April because the Kent, Renton, and Covington School Districts are on spring break, so all our Young Tumblers plan on attending this fun meeting as there is no school the next day. Bring your friends too.
Topic: Fluorescent Rocks!!
Not all rocks are what they seem. We have all heard about shapeshifters in sci-fi movies. How about very real color shifters?
The club will have a collection of fluorescent rocks for everyone to see. It is interesting to see the different colors rocks become under short or long-wave UV lights.
We will then examine members’ rocks and see what happens under UV light.
Show ‘n Tell: Bring your rocks, and we will see if they change colors too.
This is a fun meeting, so gather up your rocks that you suspect might be fluorescent and bring them to the meeting!!