Honeydew Elementary School 2014 by Bob Pattie
There were about 80 third graders from all 4 classes. As usual they were very interested with the Materials, the hands on participation and of course the free rocks that they got to take home. They really liked to learn that rocks could float, and that some rocks have crystals in them. They also were amazed that Talc Powder comes from rocks. The students want to thank the club members for donating the polished rocks. We have received several notes from the students telling us they have started their own rock collection.
Honeydew Elementary School 2013 by Bob Pattie
Bob and Jackie Pattie and Bill Cook visited the Third Grade classes on April 23, 2013 to make a presentation on the Geology of Washington State. This was the first year for Honeydew Elementary School in Renton, although it was the fifth year for this teacher (Mrs. Greer), she transferred to Honeydew School from Cascade Elementary School in Renton. He has three classes divided into for two presentations. We had about 100 students in the two sessions. After the presentation the students asked many question and then were able to touch each of the rocks and ask specific questions about the various samples. We ended the session by allowing each student to select a piece of Petrified Wood to take home. The following pictures are from this year’s trip to Honeydew Elementary School.