Please note we have changed the month and day of our annual picnic. We had to change the month because our show is in August this year. We changed the weekday in order to accommodate our members that attend religious services.
Our potluck picnic and club auction are being held on Saturday, July 16th at the Lake Wildnerness Arboretum. Setup is at 11 am and lunch is at noon. We ask you to bring a main dish, side dish, rolls, drinks, or dessert for the potluck. You will also need to bring your own plate and silverware. If you are unable to bring a food item that’s ok too. We would rather have you join us than not see you at all!
The Arboretum is kind enough to provide a beautiful shaded area with picnic tables. There is also plenty of free parking.
This is a great opportunity to enjoy each other’s company and engage in some “rock talk.” At the auction, you can always pick up some great bargains.
The Young Tumblers can spend the “Rock Bucks” that they have collected on auction items they would like. Everyone comes out a winner.
These club auctions help cover the costs of running the club and to keep our dues low. If you would like to donate something to the auction we would really appreciate it.
Afterward, if it’s a warm day you can go swimming at Lake Wilderness, stroll through the beautiful park or take the kids to the play area.