On Sat. July 18th we went up to the Greenwater area for black agate and opal. It was a gorgeous day for being in the mountains. 30 of us met in Enumclaw, all wearing masks – a sign of the times (I should have gotten a picture of that). 13 vehicles caravan’ed up to the black agate site, deep into the woods off of FR7222. We dug there for 3 hours (again, wish I had gotten some pics of that), all keeping our social distance per Covid-19 rules. It’s a wide area under tree canopy, so no issues with being too close. We had quite a few new members who were on their first trip. At 1:00 9 vehicles caravan’ed up to the Gov Meadows area for the opal and petrified wood. This was by far the largest group I’ve lead during the last 3 years of field trips, but a very pleasant and well mannered group. I’ve posted some pics of material I found on Sat. during the trip (pic 1-2 of scenery, 3rd of black agate, 4-6 of petrified wood 7-9 of opal) and pics 10-14 of agates and jasper found in rock slides on Friday when I checked out the roads and conditions. My thanks to Roger Pullen for being the caboose of the caravan, as keeping track of 13 vehicles wasn’t always an easy task with all of the turn offs we needed to make.
I don’t have a scheduled trip for August, but if our picnic gets cancelled, I may have to slip one in there.
Submitted by Roger Danneman CMS Field Trip Guide.