Lake Wilderness Arboretum Annual Picnic Potluck – Sunday, August 11th
Setup noon. Enjoy a picnic lunch together at 12:30 pm. You bring your picnic lunch and the club provides drinks and a limited selection of store-bought desserts.
If you attend church and are a little late – that’s okay too.
Mark your calendar now and plan on attending! It’s always so nice visiting with each other outside of our club meetings.
This is such a beautiful, relaxing location for our annual Club picnic. The Lake Wilderness Arboretum is so gracious to allow us to use this outstanding spot. We are under the trees which with picnic tables and parking. It’s a great family event. Afterward, the Lake is within an easy distance for swimming, beach fun, and the children’s play area. We advise that you move your car to that section’s parking lot if you decide to take advantage of the lake beach and playground areas. Our club Arboretum parking area closes after we are done.
It is a picnic with a rock and mineral auction following. It’s also a great time to sit and chat with each other and talk “rock”.
Lake Wilderness Beach area.
Lake Wilderness Park – all new!