On March 17 there was a joint trip to Mayfield Dam Quarry led by Dennis Batchelor of Puyallup Valley Gem and Mineral Club. I heard that material is getting harder to find there. The seams of jasper/agate are in pockets of the rubble pile, so finding a pocket is helpful. Pictures from previous trip can be found on Facebook CMS Group Page.
On March 17 there was also a WSMC field trip to Baker Lake, Swift Creek, and Grandy Creek up by Mt. Baker attended by CMS club members Roger D. and John C. Nice river rocks with swirling patterns were found here. Clear agate material was found where Swift Creek enters Baker Lake, but they were mostly small samples laying on top. Dig tools would have been handy to see if larger ones were down under the 1st layer of rocks. Water levels were low at this time of year, so collecting was easy with waders and PVC gloves. Interesting colorful jasper found in Grandy Creek. Looked for jade, but didn’t find any this trip. Check Facebook CMS Group Page for photos.
On April 21st there was a joint trip to Saddle Mtn for petrified wood led by Dennis Batchelor of Puyallup Valley Gem and Mineral Club. I heard that everyone found nice material, but it was very windy on those hills this trip.