On Sat. May 13th we went to First Creek for agate, jasper, and crystal geodes. It was a hot day with temperatures in the mid-80s, but beautiful clear skies and views. We had 22 people in 11 vehicles. After hiking to the 2 mile ravine, the Merriman’s took half the group to the dig pits on east side of the ravine while the rest of us were kind of scattered through the area. I think the heat was a limiting factor in climbing the hills, at least for me. The diggers ended up with some nice agate nodules, while surface collectors found mostly crystal material and seam agate material. Everyone brought extra water and by about 4:00 PM we were back to the parking lot. Such a relief to exchange my boots and socks for sandals. Ticks didn’t seem to be an issue, although a couple of them were spotted.
Our next scheduled trip is on June 17th to Little Naches. The DOT always tries to get Chinook Pass open by Memorial Day weekend. With this long stretch of hot weather I anticipate the road will be open soon, despite the heavy snowpack received this winter.
Attendees were Paul A. and Peggy S., Tammy C., Robert M. with kids Evalyn and Johnathan, Loren M, Gina L. and Michael K., Steve F. (2nd outing), Gina M. and Julie M.,
Also .. new members making their first trip were Jason S. with son Westin, Grady and Maddy N., Lynnette A. and guest Katie, Lorie L., Jeanie L., and guest Martha C.
Thanks Jeanie for a number of these nice photos.
Submitted by Roger Danneman Field Trip Guide (roger.danneman@gmail.com)
425-757-3506 cell and texts