- From the Top of the Rock Pile . . . .
- March’s Zoom General Meeting went well. We saw some of Terri Gerard’s sphere collection, Bob gave a lands’ access report plus a brief report from Roger, our Field Trip Guide. You can always check our website for the next planned field trip plus the details on where to meetup.
- We also saw some new faces at the March meeting. Hopefully more of you will decide to attend our April Zoom meeting. You can join via your smart phone, laptop, tablet or desk top computer. If you don’t have a smart phone you can dial in and attend via voice only.
- Now let’s all jump in with both feet and attend our Zoom April general meeting!
- We will be resuming in-person general meetings in May or June. So stayed tuned for more information.
- I would like to remind everyone that the AFMS is holding their annual meeting fairly close to us this year.
Sublette County Rock Hounds’ Annual Gem & Mineral Show
Rock & Roll with Wyoming Rocks
AFMS and RMFMS Annual Conventions
June 18-20, 2021
Sublette County Fairgrounds’ Event Center
10937 Hwy 189, Big Piney, Wyoming
- Going to shows out of our area is always interesting (and hard on the pocketbook) because you see a lot of material we don’t see at our local shows. It should be an exceptionally good show since it’s both a national and local federation show. These regional and national shows always have great free lecture series plus field trips to the local collecting areas.
- We continue to get new members every month via our website. I want to welcome each of you to our great rock club. I hope we get to meet each other in a Zoom meetings.
- Anyone that joined our club from September 11, 2020 thru December 31, 2020 (last year) your membership is good for all of 2021.
- Stay home, always wear a mask if you have to go out, and be sure to sanitize your hands constantly. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy as we all want to see each other this year.
- Kat Koch, President