From the Top of the Rock Pile . . . . . .
I thank our membership for electing me as Club President for another two years. I am so looking forward to what 2024 holds for our club.
We have a great group of members who have volunteered for the Board and various 2024 Gem Show positions. I want to extend a personal thank you to each of you.
After a long search, we have filled two essential volunteer positions. Alex Williams has volunteered to handle our YouTube channel. We will once again have new content posted to our channel. Jim Cerenzie is very active in searching out and preserving our club history. If you have any history, please get in touch with Jim to see if he has a record of it.
Our young Tumblers Club is active. Hopefully, more of our Young Tumblers will decide to participate in the club and earn Rockhounding Badges. If you are active in the badge program, the CMS will buy you a rockhounding vest for badges and field trips. I am still looking for a Mom or Dad to volunteer to help me with the program.
We have closed out 2023 with a membership of 145 families or 288 individuals — a recent milestone for our club. Welcome to our club, and I hope you renew your membership for 2024.
Thank you to Roger Danneman for his excellent job leading our field trips every month. Our field trips are one of our most attended club events.
Our monthly meeting attendance continues to grow back to the pre-pandemic levels. Since we have a growing membership, I hope more of our members decide to attend our monthly meeting. The larger our meeting attendance is each month, the easier it is to book quality speakers.
I look forward to seeing everyone at our January meeting.
Kat Koch, President