- From the Top of the Rock Pile
- Our Cascade Gem & Mineral Show is coming up. We will be about 6 weeks from show time when you read this! We desperately need volunteers. Elsewhere in this issue is a list of the tasks we need help with. Please seriously look over the list and volunteer where you can.
- Many of you have contacted me asking what happened to the YouTube LiveStream of our June meeting. Well, we have discovered that there isn’t a strong and reliable internet connection at the American Legion Hall. We also tried using a hot spot on our cellphone, but there isn’t a cellphone signal. The American Legion Hall sits in a gully or bowl and hasn’t any cellphone service.
- The meeting will still be recorded but won’t be available, at the latest, until the Sunday night following the meeting. Don’t forget to “Like” and “Subscribe”!
- A reminder, there is no general meeting on July 14th. We have our annual club picnic instead on Saturday, July 16th, at the Lake Wilderness Arboretum. The Arboretum provides picnic tables for us, and there is plenty of free parking.
- It is a potluck, and the setup starts at 11 am. Lunch is at noon. Our club auction will follow lunch. Please bring a main dish, side dish, salad, fresh rolls and butter, dessert or drinks. It is all up to you. We generally have around 30 people. Also, bring your own plate and silverware.
- It would be greatly appreciated if you would like to donate something to the auction. All funds raised from these club auctions go into the treasury to cover expenses. Since expenses are always going up, the auction proceeds help keep our dues low.
- Remember, you are always welcome to bring guests to our meetings, picnics, or field trips.
- We continue to get many new members every month. So if you are a new member, please be sure to come up and introduce yourself at our meeting. That way, I can tie your name to your face.
- I hope to see all of you at the picnic.
Kat Koch, President