From the Top of the Rock Pile
Our Gem Show is on June 29th and 30th, with set-up on June 28th. Roger is looking for volunteers, so be prepared to help when he calls or emails you.
We need a volunteer to ensure all the signs we need inside the venue are made and printed. We also need a volunteer to order street signs for our new location, place them before the show, and take them down. Then I am looking for a volunteer to take charge of the club sales table and set up the sales table.
We need tumble rocks for the spinning wheel and free rocks for the kids attending our show. So, if you are tumbling, please remember to tumble for the show. We need stones that are at least 1″ in size.
We have received donations of cut and polished geodes for the kids door prizes, selenite, hematite and mineral sample cards for the club sales table. Thank you!
We continue to get new members every week. Welcome to our club! To our members who have yet to renew this year, please visit our website and renew your membership online. If you attend a meeting, you can pay your dues with a check, cash, or credit card.
If you are a new member, please come up and introduce yourself. I look forward to meeting you.
Thank you to Roger Danneman for his excellent job leading our field trips every month. Our field trips are one of our most attended club events. Roger has posted his planned field trip itinerary for 2024 on our website. Be sure to check it out.
Our monthly meeting attendance continues to grow back to the pre-pandemic levels. Since our membership is growing, I hope more members will attend our monthly meetings. The larger our meeting attendance is each month, the easier it will be to book quality speakers.
I look forward to seeing everyone at our March meeting.
Kat Koch, President