In case you have not noticed, our Club member Roger Danneman has taken over as CMS Field Trip Guide. He has been working hard on setting up field trips, checking out the sites beforehand and then leading the trips. Thank you very much for taking over this very time consuming job!
At our April general meeting we had 6 volunteers offer their help wherever needed. I want to thank each of you very much for volunteering. We will have sign up sheets at the May thru August meetings for the kids table, greeting tables, raffle tickets, silent auction table and day time show security. It will take a lot of volunteers to cover all these areas so please plan on covering some of the time slots.
Contact Mark Hohn, Show Chair, to volunteer for a specific area or for wherever needed. His info is in our newsletter.
Mike and I attended the Northwest Federation – Yakima Rock and Gem Show. Our own Bob Pattie was a speaker at the show! At our May meeting I will announce the awards CMS won.
Kat Koch
CMS President