- From the Top of the Rock Pile . . . .
The weather lookout was iffy when we went to bed the Saturday night before our club picnic. There was no evidence that it had recently rained when we arrived on Sunday to set up the tables. The grass was dry and the sky was partly cloudy. Around twenty members were at the picnic and we had a very nice day talking “rocks” and visiting with one another. It’s so good seeing everyone once again. We raised $761 from the auction! Thank you to everyone for making our auction a success. Everyone went home with great bargains. The monies from the club auctions help us fund our meetings and various other club events throughout the year.
- I would like to personally thank Rich for the custom faceted amethyst set in a sterling silver necklace. Rich cut the gem just for our event. The necklace is stunning! Scott Miles went home the lucky winner of this gorgeous necklace for his wife.
We have a club booth at the Maple Valley Days, Lake Wilderness Park. October 9th and 10th. I need volunteers for the following time slots. Sunday hours are 9:45 am to 1:30 pm (1 volunteer).
We also have a club booth at the Gem Faire, Puyallup Fairgrounds. November 12th through 14th. I need volunteers to cover this event. Friday hours are noon to 3:15 pm (1 volunteer), and 3 pm to 6:15 pm (2 volunteers), Saturday 9:45 am to 2:15 pm (1 volunteer), and Sunday 9:45 am to 1:30 pm (2volunteers).
I will have a sign-up sheet at the meeting or you can email me if you would like to volunteer for either event. Talkingkat2 at yahoo dot com
At both events, the club will have our spinning wheel and two display cases. The kids get to spin the wheel for free and receive a polished rock. These are fun events as the kids are always so happy with big smiles when they receive a free
polished rock to keep. Talk to people that stop by the booth about our great club: its activities, answer questions and hand out membership information.
I want to welcome each of you to our great rock club. I apologize if I have missed introducing myself to you. Please feel free to come up and say hello.
Kat Koch, President
Presidents Message
From the Top of the Rock Pile 2024 is in our rearview mirror. It was a very successful year for our club. We moved our Cascade Gem Show to June at Kent Commons. It has been an excellent decision for our club. We had the largest attendance since resuming our shows in 2018, with approximately 3,200 visitors! The proceeds from our two club auctions in 2024 brought in around $1,800. These funds help to cover our club’s largest expense, the liability insurance policy. I expect the premium for 2025 will be near $3,000. Our booth at the Puyallup Gem Faire …
Meeting Announcements
February 13th – Jim Cerenzie – Finding New (Old) Rockhounding Sites Our club member, Jim Cerenzie, is going to speak on how he finds long forgotten sites to hunt for rocks and crystals. He has a YouTube channel called the “Vug Meister” where he and his son go rockhounding to these places. If you watch YouTube please support him by subscribing to his channel. Show ‘n Tell: Your favorite rockhounding find. It can be a find from a field trip, your yard, the beach, or a riverbed.
March 13th – Field Trip Preview by Roger Danneman Where will we go this year? Join our wagonmaster Roger Danneman as he gives us a preview of all of the places the Club will explore this year on field trips – and what kinds of materials you might find there. Show ‘n Tell: Something you’ve found on a prior field trip (with a club or on your own!).
April 10th – Rock BINGO Kent schools on spring break. So all you members, junior members and their friends, your grandkids, guests it is time for our Rock Bingo night. Everyone is guaranteed to be a winner. Rock Bingo is free tonight – bring 3 wrapped presents (see below). Maximum 3 game cards per player. Each player is to bring 3 wrapped presents. Rocks, minerals, fossils, cabachons, slabs, jewelry, or anything that you think would be a nice gift. Guests do not need to bring any wrapped items.
May 8th – Glaciers by Paul Ahnberg What are the benefits of glaciers? Glaciers, slow-moving rivers of ice, have sculpted mountains and carved valleys throughout Earth’s history. They continue to flow and shape the landscape in many places today. But glaciers affect much more than the landscape. Show ‘n Tell: A white or clear mineral or crystal.