We are well into the downhill slide to our show. Can’t believe it’s getting so close.
We can get into our venue for setup at 10 am on Friday, September 21st. Vendors will come in around 1 pm. Vendor setup time is 1 pm to 7:30 pm.
So please mark your calendars and plan to help out on Saturday and Sunday. We are far short of the volunteers needed to cover the 2 entrance tables, raffle sales, door prize, kids activities, spinning wheel, security and the silent auction. We will need all hands on deck!
Our Young Tumblers group is active and growing. We presently have 6 members: Alex Danneman, Isaiah Fu, Aiden Cerenzie, Cora Unger, Cooper Crawford and Caitlin Crawford. We will be handing out “Rockhound Badges” and a couple of other goodies to the kids at our September meeting. So please plan on having your kids attend our September meeting. I will do the handouts at the beginning of the meeting so if the kids need to go home early they can.
I do hope everyone can stay around though to hear all about our show. Mark will be giving and over view of the show. We will also have a display case for the kids to have a last look at what they have to work with for their display.
I am excited and looking forward to our show after all the unending work this past year! Thank you Mark for taking this project on!!!!
Kat Koch, CMS President