Show Volunteer List

Our Gem Show Is Fast Approaching And It’s All Club Members On Deck!

We 35 to 40 club members to volunteer to help produce the show. I have filled many positions, but we need more members to volunteer besides board members and the regular members that always step in when needed.
I can not stress enough or emphasize the importance of having members step up and volunteer to help. So please look over the list below and volunteer!
The goal or reason the club produces a show each year is so the club can afford an indoor lapidary shop. All profits from the show go to two places. First, to provide two grants ($250 ea.) to a geology or earth science student at Green River College. Second, the balance of the profits goes into our savings account for an indoor lapidary shop or to pay club expenses. A gem show is the only way our club can raise significant money to achieve our goal.
Please look over the areas that still need volunteers. I have broken the tasks into smaller time commitments, so there are no chairmen or heads of any committees. You are asked to volunteer for a specific job or time slot listed below. If you plan to be at the show on a particular day and time, you will find a section at the end of the list where you can enter your name and availability. Then as we near August 15th, you will be assigned a task.
Please select a task and then email me what it is that you would like to volunteer for:
Kat Koch
Or you can use the contact link on our website

Gem Show Volunteer Sheet

Show ChairmanKat Koch
Help Needed Before And After The Show
Gem Show Signs: 2 helpers to put them out on Thursday, August 18th and take them down around 3 pm, Sunday, August 21st: 1. ___________________________ 2. __________________________
Wash rocks for the silent auction at Angie & Brian’s home in Kent. Arrange day and time with Angie and Brian.
1. ________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. ________________________
After the Show Raffle Prizes – Distribute prizes to the winners not in attendance: _____________________
Outdoor Night Security: Friday and Saturday from 6 pm to 8 am:
1. __________________ 2. __________________
Thursday, August 18th, To Mark Off The Booth Spaces
Pre-show Setup: 3 pm to 5 pm (College to confirm time)
Answer Questions When Needed on marking booth spaces: ___Kat Koch or Charlie Benedict____
Mark off booth locations. Each team needs a 25 ft tape measure and a roll of blue painter’s tape. 3 teams of 2 people ea.
Team #1 ___Fred Funk_____________ _________________________
Team #2 ________________________ _________________________
Team #3________________________ _________________________
Help Needed on Friday, August 19th, To Set Up The Show
Answer Questions Only on Table and Chair Set Up: 8 am to 11 am (The college is doing all the physical set up of tables and chairs. 1. _________________________ 2. ________________________
Vendor Load In and Out At the Gym – 1 pm to 6 pm: Zach Pratt
Vendor Load In and Out Outside Driveway on Walkie-Talkie – 1 pm to 6 pm: _______________________
Vendor Load In and Out Outside in Parking Lot on Walkie-Talkie – 1 pm to 6 pm: ____________________
Person to be at each Load In Door to Direct Vendor to Their Booth – Need 3 people – Noon to 6 pm:
1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ 3. ___________________________
Help Vendors Load In – 1 pm to 6 pm:
1. ________________________ 2. _________________________
3. ________________________ 4. _________________________
Sound & Electrical – On Set Up on Friday (8 am to 6 pm) & Saturday (8 am to 10 am) – work with the college custodian to make sure everything is working: ________________________
Front Entrance – Set Up the Entry Table. Make sure we have basket for kids’ rocks, brochures and door prizes tickets are there – Can do anytime Friday from 8 am to 6 pm: __________________________
Help Needed During Show on Saturday and Sunday
Door Prize Case – Set Up Friday 1 pm to 6 pm and Saturday 8 am to 10 am: ___________________
Person to collect donations for raffle & door prize cases from the vendors. Set Up Friday 1 pm to 6 pm and Saturday 8 am to 10 am: ________________________
Person to be at each Load In Door to Direct Vendor to Their Booth – Need 3 people – 8 am to 10 am:
1. ______Sue Fox_(West Seattle Club)__ 2. _________________________ 3. __________________________
Help Vendors Load In – 8 am to 10 am:
1. ________________________ 2. _________________________
3. ________________________ 4. _________________________
Shuttle Rides – between parking lot and show entrance. Must drive own car, golf cart, etc. The show will reimburse the gas expense. Must submit a receipt or written request to Show Treasurer.
9:30 am to 12:15 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
12:15 pm to 2:30 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
2:30 pm to 4:15 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
4:15 pm to 6:30 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
9:30 am to 12:15 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
12:15 pm to 2:30 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________
Attend Entrance Handout Door Prize Tickets, Show Brochures & Give Kids Polished Rock
9:30 am to noon – 1. ___________________ 2. __________________
Noon to 3 pm – 1. ___Noelle Barnes______ 2. __________________
3 pm to 6 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. __________________
9:30 am to 1:30 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. __________________
1:30 pm to 4 pm – 1. ___________________ 2. __________________
Silent Auction Chairman: Mike Blanton
Set Auction Tables Up: Kat Koch
Friday Set Up – Load rocks in & pricing 11 am to 3 pm: 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
Saturday – Help Attend to the Auction Tables:
9:45 am to noon – 1. __Gina Manso____ 2. __Julie Galliani-Manso _ 3. ___________________
noon to 2 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________
2 pm to 4 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________
4 pm to 6:15 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________
Sunday – Help Man Auction Tables:
9:45 am to noon – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________
noon to 2 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________
2 pm to 4 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________
4 pm to 6 pm – Clean Up Helper 1. __________________ 2. ___________________ 3. _________________
Sales at Co-Op Members’ Table:
Friday Set Up: 1 pm to 6 pm Each sets up their items for sale
Saturday – Help Man Co-Op Booth:
9:45 am to 11:30 am – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
11:30 am – 1 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
1 pm to 2:30 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
2:30 pm to 4 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
4 pm to 6 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
Sunday – Help Man Co-Op Booth:
9:45 am to 11:30 am – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
11:30 am to 1 pm 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
1 pm to 2:30 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
2:30 pm to 4 pm – 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
4 pm to 6 pm – Each tear down their unsold items
Cashiers – Membership, Raffle Ticket Sales, Silent Auction and Members Booth Sales:
Saturday – Cashiers
9:30 am to 11:40 am – Membership & Raffle Tickets 1. __Sue Fox____ 2. ___________________
Auction __________________ Member Booth Sales ____________________
11:40 am to 1:50 pm – Membership & Raffle Tickets 1. ___Linda Jorza_____ 2. ___________________
Auction __________________ Member Booth Sales ______________________
1:50 pm to 4 pm – Membership & Raffle Tickets 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
Auction __Larry Smith (Family)__ Member Booth Sales __Randi Smith (Family)__
4 pm to 6:15 pm – Membership & Raffle Tickets 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
Auction __________________ Member Booth Sales ______________________
Sunday – Cashiers
9:30 am to 11:40 am – Membership & Raffle Tickets 1. _________________ 2. ___________________
Auction __________________ Member Booth Sales ____________________
11:40 am to 1:50 pm – Membership & Raffle Tickets 1. __________________ 2. ___________________
Auction __________________ Member Booth Sales ______________________
1:50 pm to 4 pm – Membership & Raffle Tickets 1. ____Linda Jorza______ 2. ___________________
Auction __Larry Smith_______ Member Booth Sales ____Randi Smith _________
Tear Down and Clean Up – Need 6 volunteers to Pack Up all club stuff, collect trash, and sweep the facility.
Help Vendors Load Out too. To also Double Check the Area that the gym is clean and in order before we leave and shut the doors. We do not need to take down tables or chairs:
Sunday 4 pm to 6 pm
1. ________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________
4. ________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________
Volunteers That Will Be At The Show Friday, Saturday or Sunday To Help Where Needed
Please enter your name, time, and day you will be at the show to help.
Name Thursday Friday Time Saturday Time Sunday Time
4 pm to 6 pm 8 am to 6 pm 8 am to 6 pm 8 am to 6 pm
__Paul Athnberg _______ _____________ _______________ _8:30 am to 6 pm_ _9:45 am to 4 pm _
__Peggy Shashy _______ _____________ ________________ _8:30 am to 6 pm_ _9:45 am to 4 pm _
__Zach Pratt __________ _____________ _10 am to 6 pm__ _8 am to 6 pm_ _9:45 am to 6 pm _
__Angie Bayer _________ ______________ ___3 pm – 6 pm__ _8 am to 6 pm_ _9:45 am to 6 pm _
__Brian Bayer__________ ______________ _______________ _8 am to 6 pm_ _9:45 am to 6 pm _
__Pete Williams________ ______________ __10 am to 4 pm__ _9 am to 6 pm_ _1 pm to 6 pm__
__Sue Fox ____________ ______________ ________________ _8 am to 6 pm_ _10 am to 4 pm _
__Mike Stearns________ ________________ _______________ _8 am to 6 pm_ _10 am to 4 pm__
__Fred Funk_________ __3 pm to 5 pm___ ________________ _8 am to 11 am__ _10 am to 4 pm _
__Nancy Funk________ ________________ ________________ _8 am to 11 am__ _10 am to 4 pm _
__Kat Koch__________ __3 pm to 5 pm___ ___10 am to 6 pm__ _8 am to 6 pm_ _10 am to 4 pm _
__Mike Blanton_______ __3 pm to 5 pm___ ___10 am to 6 pm__ _8 am to 6 pm_ _10 am to 4 pm _
________________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ________________
________________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ________________
________________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ________________
________________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ________________
Updated: July 13, 2022 — 12:11 pm

Presidents Message

  • From the Top of the Rock Pile Despite the weather concerns, our club picnic at Lake Wilderness Arboretum turned out to be a delightful event. We were blessed with a sunny day, and around thirty-five of us enjoyed the beautiful park, a good meal, and a lot of visiting. The day’s highlight was our club auction, a resounding success. Thanks to everyone’s participation, we raised over $1,100 for our club treasury, marking it the best sale. Our club auctions help cover club expenses and prevent us from having to increase our annual dues. If you’re a new member, we’re thrilled

Meeting Announcements

  • November 14th – CMS Food Drive & Glaciers by Paul Arhberg Don’t forget to bring a food item for our food drive to support the Kent Food Bank.  What are the benefits of glaciers? Glaciers, slow-moving rivers of ice, have sculpted mountains and carved valleys throughout Earth’s history. They continue to flow and shape the landscape in many places today. But glaciers affect much more than the landscape. Show ‘n Tell: Something white, clear, or a crystal.

  • December 1st – Holiday Potluck Dinner, Election of Officers, and Club Auction. Holiday Potluck Dinner: The club provides ham and turkey. Members fill in with side dishes, rolls, desserts, and drinks. If you cannot bring anything for dinner, please come as we would like your company. We always have loads of food. After dinner, we have the election of Officers for 2025. We close out the day with the club auction. It is a great time to buy holiday, birthday, anniversary, or just because gifts. The auction prices are always a fraction of retail or gem shows. Mark your calendar now! Let’s have a great turnout. Let’s enjoy having dinner together, sitting and visiting with one another, and getting some “rock talk” in.

  • January 9th – Field Trip report of 2024 and what lies ahead for 2025. Our Field Trip Guide, Roger Danneman, will review our 2024 field trips and what was found, then look ahead to what is planned for 2025. Show ‘n Tell: Something you found on a field trip, your yard, beach, a hike, etc.

Current News